潑水節2021Live! SongKran HK 2021Live!
日期 Date 3-5/4/2021
時間 Time 1930 to 0000
平台 Platform Facebook.com/Songkranhk

每年,我們都希望能與居港泰國人和泰國愛好者在香港一起慶祝潑水節。 但鑑於COVID-19肆虐,以公眾健康及安全為大前提,我們已決定將活動更改到網上進行。

Songkran HK is an incredibly popular event in Hong Kong and it’s one of our favorite ways to celebrate Thai New Year
Every year, we look forward to celebrating Songkran Festival with Thais and Thai-lovers in Hong Kong. But given the growing concerns around COVID-19, we’ve made the decision to change the event to virtual.
